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Monday, September 6, 2010

Valparaiso de Chile. Domingo, 23 de Agosto

Valparaiso is a UNESCO world heritage listed port-city and is considered the cultural capital of Chile. Valpo had it’s hay day in the early 1900’s as Chile’s main port. It remains an active port and naval base but suffered a significant decline
in operations with the opening of the Panama Canal.

Had our first slice of home here in Valparaiso, the first person we met at our hostel was wearing a Skydive Wanaka t-shirt. A majority of people we are meeting are travelling for a year on a round-the-world ticket so are coming from NZ to South America.

Valparaiso and neighbouring city Vina Del Mar in the distance

Valparaiso City
Muchos wires!

We thoroughly enjoyed Valparaiso's extremely unique character, typified by a collage of  timber structures clambering up the steep cerros (hills). Because of the challenging geography, the city also has 16 ascensors (lifts/cable cars) that link the lower CBD to the surrounding residential areas. These cost approximately 20-40c to use but we found the steps were just as fast! Ofcourse one of those things you have to do.
The cities charm is also an inspiration and major attraction for artists, especially painters and poets.

Ascensor to Cerro Urriola

We spent a week here exploring the city and improving our 'Spanglish'. Our intention was to take a group course, but because of the low-season we had a week of one-on-one classes. The second bonus was that much of the time we had two tutors. Arturo who spoke minimal English and Patty who spoke few words! The week contained many a blank face and “no entiendo” comments but we loved it and steadily improved.
This is also where we attempted our first pavlova creation. Arturo wanted to put on a Chilean lunch for us on the final day and invited us to bring something typically kiwi.

Dumb tourist act # 4: Whilst purchasing our pav ingredients, bought a pound of yeast! Butter was both off colour and smelt awful, seems they package their yeast as we do blocks of butter.
Our proud Spanish tutor Arturo outside class.

Spanish class in action
View from Casa Aventura Hostel kitchen
Like Santiago, Valparaiso also has numerous dogs roaming the streets. The dogs here are however much more a part of the cities character. Its amazing as all of them are street-wise.

One funny experience with one of the local dogs was as five of us walked home from a bar late one evening, this pooch be-friended us and proceeded to walk us home. It literally walked alongside us and approached (barked furiously) every person that passed us or walked in the opposite direction, to the extent of crossing the road to snap at people going the other way. Fair to say we were really embarrassed but felt very well protected at the same time.

Vina del Mar beach, popular weekend retreat from Santiago.
Armada De Chile, typical example of the adorned Spanish-colonial architecture of Chile.
$1 Choripan (1.5 Chorizo sausages, bread bun, cheese, mayo & mustard), a clear favourite for Matt!
The local drop, easy to get trolleyed on.

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