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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mancora, 14 de Deciembre.

Beach time! After our adventurous escape getaway in the bat-mobile from Huaraz, and a 12 hour stopover in Trujillo, we arrived in the popular surf spot of Mancora in northern Peru. You can imagine after following the high altitude Andes all the way from Patagonia, we were pretty excited about some sun, surf and heat! Mancora couldn’t have provided more of a contrast from protest ridden Huaraz, and we quickly slipped into the laid back atmosphere.

Birdcage-like colonial security window detail in Trujillo.

Our sweet beach bungalow Numero Uno.

Sweet beach bungalow Numero Uno – view.
Photo of a photo - this is how the fisherman in northern Peru get around, surfers also pay these guys to paddle them out past the breakers!

Mancora marked the beginning of loads of tuk-tuks (125cc mototaxis which take you anywhere for about $1), and a lot more very extensive tropical fruit stalls based on single-speed tricycles.

For no apparent reason coffee consistency and quality changed all of a sudden. In this case, Clare and I were brought a mug of hot water, with jar of instant coffee and shot of cream alongside! I suppose surf-side you can’t really complain….
This is where the hunt for the new bikinis began (Clare's).  

Kon Tiki - we considered jumping on one for NZ for Xmas, but left it a bit late....
Mancora was a great little town with an energetic atmosphere; we had 2 relaxing days here winding down, catching up on sleep and swimming - our pastie white bods soaking up some welcomed Vitamin D! We also sorted out a basic plan for our now shortened 10-days in Ecuador. The last 4 weeks really have flown in Peru, an amazing country we feel we have really only scratched the surface of. But now, bring on the Banana republic - ECUADOR!

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